Monday, July 28, 2014

Transition Expressions and Conjunctions Exercise 1

Instructions: Complete the sentences below to demonstrate your understanding of transition expressions and conjunctions in bold letters. Add punctuation if necessary.

1. Susan's roommate makes a lot of noise when she gets back to the dorm late at night so _______________________________.

2. Mr. Jackson made a serious mistake at work that cost the company millions of dollars. Therefore ______________________________.

3. Rachel has been taking the medicine that the doctor prescribed but ______________________________.

4. The government has taken steps to improve airport security. However ______________________________.

5. Because _____________________________ Janet will divorce Peter and try to get custody of the two children.

6.   Our company fired the last advertising agency for ___________________________________.

7. There are two reasons that we will not go back to that restaurant. The food was not delicious and ________________________________.

8. One of the problems with this government sponsored program is that it is underfunded. In addition

9. The secretary has called the maintenance people several times to complain about the problem with the air conditioning yet __________________________________.

10. Even though the United States and several other countries have imposed severe sanctions on the dictatorship _________________________________.

The Passive Perfect Modals Exercise 1

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with passive perfect modals using should/must/might.

1. The computer in my office still has not been fixed. It (fix) __________________________ yesterday.

2. Honey, the room is clean. The room (clean) ___________________________ by hotel staff while we were out sightseeing.

3. You haven't done your homework yet? It (do) _________________________ last night.

4. Janet: The pool party was supposed to have started half an hour, but there is no one here. What's going on?

   Sylvia: I don't know. The pool party (postpone)____________________. Let's call Peter. Maybe he knows.

5. Three of the soldiers have not reported in for duty. No one knows what happened to them. The soldiers (capture) _________________________ by the enemy.

6. Maurice has not received the box of novels from Amazon yet. It (deliver) ____________________ three days ago.

7. When we got to the classroom this morning, both of the windows were broken. It is not clear what happened. The windows (break) _____________________ by vandals.

8. After the nurse gave the patient medicine, he got very sick. The patient (give) ______________________________ the wrong medication or the wrong dose of the medication.

9. The neighbors heard Mr. and Mrs. James quarreling last night. This morning Mr. James' body was found in the living room with five gun shot wounds to the head and Mrs. James has disappeared. Mr. James (shoot) __________________________ by his wife, but that is just one possibility. The police investigation is ongoing.

10. Jackie got a bouquet of roses, but there was no name on the card. She does not have a boyfriend or a husband. The roses (send) _________________________ by a secret admirer.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Unreal Conditional Exercise 1

Instructions: Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences using the unreal conditional (present or past).

1. Sandra always fails math exams. If __________________________, she would not fail math exams.

2. Sandra failed the math exam yesterday. If ____________________________, she would not have failed the math exam.

3. Peter falls asleep in class every morning. If ____________________________, he would not fall asleep in class.

4. Peter fell asleep in class this morning. If ______________________________, he would not have fallen asleep in class.

5. Rachel gets wet whenever it rains. If _________________________________, she would not get wet.

6.  Rachel got very wet in the sudden rain shower. If ___________________________, she would not have gotten wet.

7. Tom misses the train every morning. If ____________________________________, he would not miss the train.

8. Tom missed the 7:40 am train this morning. If ______________________________, he would not have missed the train.

9. Nadine watches too many hours of TV every week. If _________________________, she wouldn't strain her eyes.

10. Nadine watched too many hours of TV last week. If _________________________, she wouldn't have strained her eyes.

Farther vs Further

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with either farther or further.

1. Instead of waiting for the shuttle bus, the students decided to walk to the Roosevelt Field Mall, but the mall was _____________________ away from the university than they thought.

2. I received your email, but I need _________________ clarification about a few details in your report.

3. We decided to set up camp _____________________ up the hill because it gave us a better view of the valley.

4. I am exhausted! How much ________________ do we need to walk?

5. Until you receive _________________ notice, you can continue to use this room for your class.

6. Please do not make ___________________ adjustments to the system.

7. John is __________________ along in his research than the other students in the program.

8. The ship has moved ___________________ out to sea.

9. Janet is going back to school; in the new economy, she needs to _________________ her education.

10. The military has moved its tanks ___________________ into the city.