Thursday, June 11, 2015

SSP 106 Tense and Adverb Clauses

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with a verb in the right tense.

1. By the time President Obama (arrive) ________________ at the Kantei in Japan last night, the Japanese prime minister (fall) ____________________ asleep.

2. As soon as my boss (give) ___________________ me my paycheck tomorrow, I (deposit) ______________________ it in the bank.

3. While I (watch) ___________________ TV later tonight, I (check) ________________ the mail.

4. Whenever my mother (eat) __________________ shellfish, she (get) ________________ sick. She should stop eating shellfish.

5. Peter (see, not) ____________________ his girlfriend since she (leave) _________________ their apartment yesterday evening. He is very worried.

6. Rachel (ride, not) ______________________ a horse again as long as she (live) ______________________.

7. Just as I (get) _________________ out of my car yesterday, it (start) ________________ to rain.

8. By the time the Saudi ambassador (exit) _________________ the UN conference room tomorrow, his limousine (arrive) ________________.

9. When Juyeon's phone (ring) _________________ a few minutes ago, she (answer, not) ___________________ it.

10. The next time Mei-Lin (go) _______________ Hong Kong, she (visit) _____________ the Po Lin Monastery.