Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Subordinating Conjunctions and Transitions

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the appropriate subordinating conjunctions or transitions. (Add commas if necessary).

Even though     Provided that      Even if      Therefore     Otherwise

1. Make sure to get the form into the office by this weekend. ____________ you won't be able to graduate on time.

2. __________________ there are no problems with your visa application, you should be able to travel to the US this summer.

3. ___________________ the police made a thorough search of the woods, they could not find the missing teenager.

4. Michele twisted her ankle during the marathon this past weekend. _____________ she will not be able to go roller skating with us today.

5. ________________ you manage to get the form into the office by this weekend, you will not be able to graduate on time because you have a failing GPA.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Gerunds and Infinitives (Passive Voice)

Complete the following sentences with gerunds or infinitives in the passive voice.

1. We want ________________ (give) accurate information.

2. We hate __________________(give) inaccurate information.

3. Mrs. Wilson told her husband that she refused ___________________ (take) for granted.

4. Mrs. Wilson told her husband that she didn't enjoy _________________ (take) for granted.

5. We would like __________________ (seat) first.

6. We would appreciate ________________ (seat) first.

7. John remembers __________________ (kiss) by his wife for the first time.

8. I expect ___________________ (notify) if there is a problem.

9. We don't go to that part of the city at night because we are afraid of _____________ (rob).

10. We don't go to that part of the city at night because we don't want ____________(rob).

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Gerunds and Infinitives

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with a gerund or an infinitive. (Note: In some cases, both options may be possible.)

1. Rina did not want ________________ (leave) her family, but she had no choice.

2. Maurice enjoys _________________ (watch) Youtube vlogs after work in the evenings.

3. Stop _______________ (make) so much noise. I can't hear what the teacher is saying.

4. Mrs. Walker forgot __________________ (close) the windows before she left the house this morning.

5. Nadine decided _________________ (break) up with her boyfriend because he cheated on her.

6. It is beginning __________________(snow). Let's build a snowman later this evening.

7. Peter remembers __________________ (meet) his girlfriend for the first time.

8. We like ______________ (hike) in the woods every summer.

9. David regrets _________________ (not, study) hard when he was in high school because now he cannot get into a good university.

10. The administration has discussed _________________ (make) changes to the curriculum.