Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Modal Auxiliaries

 Instructions: Choose the best modal auxiliary. 

1. You are sick. You ____________ stay home.

a. should   b. might    c. ought

2. Dan is not in class. He ____________ be sick.

a. prefers     b. had to   c. must

3. You _____________ buy food. We have enough at home.

a. do not have to    b. must     c. should

4. I am not sure where Andrea is. She ____________ be in the restroom.

a. might    b. should    c. have to 

5. My neighbors were making a lot of noise, so I ______________ sleep last night.

a. could not     b. cannot    c. should not

6. I have insomnia. I ____________ sleep every night.

a. could not   b. cannot   c. should not

7. I left my cellphone at home. ___________ I please borrow your cellphone?

a. Should       b. Must        c. May

8. I am not strong enough to lift this table. _______ you please help me?

a. Could         b.  May         c. Ought

9. You ____________ finish your lab hours, or you will get a grade of "Incomplete."

a. have better    b.   had better    c. don't have to

10. You _____________ dance on the furniture! This is not your house!

a. ought to       b. should     c. must not 

Friday, June 17, 2022

Error Correction: Comparatives and Superlatives

 Instructions: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 

1. This patient is more sicker than the other patients.

2. Of the two brothers, John is the tallest.

3. The Flash is the faster super hero in the DC Universe. 

4. It is humider today than it was yesterday.

5. Peter is not lazy as the other students in the class.

6. The people who live on the other side of town are wealthy than the people who live here.

7. The comedian who is on the stage now is the funny of all the ones I have seen.

8. Conditions in the city are worst than they did last year.

9. The baby is getting sleepyer and sleepyer. 

10. The more I study math, the much confused I become. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Gerunds and Infinitives II

 Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb form. In some cases, both a gerund and an infinitive are possible. 

1. __________ (smoke) in the office is expressly forbidden.

2. It is unwise _________ (spend) all of your money at the casino.

3. Let's talk about __________ (create) more incentives for our customers to enter the store.

4. Rachel agreed ___________(marry) Jack after she found out that he had won the lottery. :-)

5. You need ______________(work) hard if you want to get a raise.'

Friday, September 17, 2021

Causative Verbs

 Instructions: Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses. Use the correct pronouns where necessary. 


Peter keeps annoying his sister with silly comments, and she can't (get/stop) get him to stop. 

1. My car keeps making a strange sound, so I am going to call the mechanic and (have/look) ___________ at it. 

2. One of the students made an insulting remark to another student. The teacher (made/stay) ______________ after class to discuss his bad behavior.

3. There is so much to clean up after the party, so Nadine is going to ask her friends to (help/clean up) ____________________. 

4. Because Joey has not done any homework this week, his mother will not (let/play) ____________ any video games for two weeks. 

5. Wendy has been feeling very depressed lately, so she is going to talk to her psychiatrist and try to  (get/increase) _____________ the dose of her anti-depressant. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Vocabulary: Tony the Traveller (LARS2)


Instructions: Fill in the blanks with vocabulary from the word bank below:

Challenge                                Exposed 

Confidence                            Perspective

Conventional                        Remarkable

Enables                                Unknown

1. Much of the information about the origin of life is _____________. Scientists do not have all of the answers yet.

2. On her visit to Shanghai, Rachel was _____________ to many Chinese traditions.

3. The Internet ___________ us to get information very quickly.

4. Mei-Li got a new _________________ of American history after she took Mr. Davidson's class.

5. The athletes displayed their _____________ skills during the competition. We were all amazed.

6. We need to have some amount of ______________ if we want to achieve our goals.

7. The writer wrote a book that had ideas that most people would not consider _________________; the ideas seemed to go against the traditions of our country.

8. Climbing the mountain was a ______________ for Rosa; she had never gone mountain climbing before. 

Monday, March 2, 2020

Word Forms-Nouns and Adjectives

Instructions: Choose the correct word form in the following sentences.

1.  Some people believe that you have to be ruthless/ruthlessness to be successful in business.

2.  Because of ruthless/ruthlessness, John became a successful businessman.

3. Angela suffers from claustrophobia/claustrophobic, so she cannot get on an elevator.

4. Angela is claustrophobia/claustrophobic, so she cannot get on an elevator.

5. David is immature/immaturity, so I do not think he can handle the responsibility of this job.

6. Because of immature/immaturity, David would not be able to handle the responsibility of this job. 

7. Nora has been vaccinated against that disease, so she is immune/immunity to it.

8. Nora has been vaccinated against that disease, so she has immune/immunity to it.

9. In order to be a fiction writer, you need to be creative/creativity.

10. In order to be a fiction writer, you need to have creative/creativity.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Would, Could, and Should (Modal Auxiliaries)

Instructions: Choose the correct modal auxiliary to complete the sentence. In some sentences, more than one choice could be correct.

1. John: I have a high fever and shortness of breath.
    David: You _________________ go to the doctor right away!

2. I am so sleepy this morning. I ______________ not sleep last night.

3. Janet is sick. She said that she ______________ not be able to come to school.

4. David _________________ clean his room. It is so messy!

5. I am not sure where John is. He _____________ be at home now.

6. _________________ you mind if I borrowed your car to go on a date with my girlfriend?

7. You ________________ never give your Social Security number to someone you do not know.

8.  __________________ you please send me that information right away?

9. I do not know why the restaurant is closed now. It ________________ be that the restaurant does not open until later in the day.

10. _________________ I buy an American car or a Japanese car? Which one is better?